Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Blocks of joy

So I have recently (yesterday) stumbled upon an android app called Worldcraft. I have never been able to understand how these games work. What could come from blocks?

A lot, apparently.

There are numerous materials and even blocks of doors and a bed to choose from. In 'Survival' mode, there are pigs and horses (not the greatest combination of food, mind you) and you've got to watch out for zombies. At night they attack, so a shelter must be made before then. I managed that but the second night was a bummer. My raised coffin was dark and I got lost sooo... I decided to explore 'Creative' mode where you can build anything with infinite resources in a Utopian sort of world where God is you. No spiders, no zombies, no need for food and most importantly, THE GIFT OF FLIGHT.

Pretty cool huh?

So I was wondering why people liked it so much, especially hardcore gamers. The survival mode isn't particularly exciting nor is the creative mode that impressive as there is a map limit. Building things and decorating it with torches and beds seems a little feminine to me. Perhaps it is the ability to act above nature that appeals to people. It certainly appealed to me. Maybe if they added some little people that I could rule over... Oh that would be perfect!

All in all, I managed to waste quite a few hours playing it instead of revising so that's good!!

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

The Classic Uphill Battle in the Morning

The sun streams through my blinds and light pours into my room like a honey-coated sugarcane. It all looks very sweet and full of joy yet just as you attempt to break the layer of coating with your precious teeth, things are broken. Its sweetness is nothing more than a burden to carry as your senses are awakened to be much more sensitive than before.

"Such is life." - Edward (Ned) Kelly

Days are endless and so are the possibilities it holds. You could achieve so much in a day and yet people choose to lay on their couches watching TV...wasting life away with some absolutely awesome MMORPG games...staying in their rooms and contributing to society's growing internet addiction by writing stupid blogs in a pathetic justification of not getting out of bed.

So...good morning.

Breakfast, no, lunch is to be served...after my two hour nap.

^my bed head when I awake from my slumber...Yes I turn into Goku. Jealous much?

Monday, 19 May 2014

The Familiar Yet Foreign Life of a British College Student

It is during the horrendous exam period of my AS year when caffeine and sweets and the Utopian idea of sleeping hits home the hardest.

But everyone is like that. Except the ones on Facebook of course; the ones who are still going to the Outside and partying the weekend before a deadly maths exam. Nevertheless, their grades continue to out-shine yours. Seems like parties are the way to revise folks!!

And then there are the hopeless [insert noun which resembles 'geeks'] who study all the time and are haters of the Facebook people so they resort to their long-lost friend, Blogger.

So instead of leaving nasty comments on YouTube after (shamelessly) exploring the hilarious Asian videos and being consistently up to date with 9gag trending posts (if you don't know what it is then...nevermind it's not that great anymore) I have resorted to my long-lost friend, Blogger!! Since my other blogs have failed and been forsaken by a young me, I have kept the name of Cafe Udon but deleted all of the three posts which preceded this.


Welcome to JQ's dwelling place

...yes my internet name is JQ. Judge me if you can.

^My beautiful face at 2am with a bleak, endless ocean of maths before me. Derp.