So I have recently (yesterday) stumbled upon an android app called Worldcraft. I have never been able to understand how these games work. What could come from blocks?
A lot, apparently.
There are numerous materials and even blocks of doors and a bed to choose from. In 'Survival' mode, there are pigs and horses (not the greatest combination of food, mind you) and you've got to watch out for zombies. At night they attack, so a shelter must be made before then. I managed that but the second night was a bummer. My raised coffin was dark and I got lost sooo... I decided to explore 'Creative' mode where you can build anything with infinite resources in a Utopian sort of world where God is you. No spiders, no zombies, no need for food and most importantly, THE GIFT OF FLIGHT.
Pretty cool huh?
So I was wondering why people liked it so much, especially hardcore gamers. The survival mode isn't particularly exciting nor is the creative mode that impressive as there is a map limit. Building things and decorating it with torches and beds seems a little feminine to me. Perhaps it is the ability to act above nature that appeals to people. It certainly appealed to me. Maybe if they added some little people that I could rule over... Oh that would be perfect!

All in all, I managed to waste quite a few hours playing it instead of revising so that's good!!
A lot, apparently.
There are numerous materials and even blocks of doors and a bed to choose from. In 'Survival' mode, there are pigs and horses (not the greatest combination of food, mind you) and you've got to watch out for zombies. At night they attack, so a shelter must be made before then. I managed that but the second night was a bummer. My raised coffin was dark and I got lost sooo... I decided to explore 'Creative' mode where you can build anything with infinite resources in a Utopian sort of world where God is you. No spiders, no zombies, no need for food and most importantly, THE GIFT OF FLIGHT.
Pretty cool huh?
So I was wondering why people liked it so much, especially hardcore gamers. The survival mode isn't particularly exciting nor is the creative mode that impressive as there is a map limit. Building things and decorating it with torches and beds seems a little feminine to me. Perhaps it is the ability to act above nature that appeals to people. It certainly appealed to me. Maybe if they added some little people that I could rule over... Oh that would be perfect!

All in all, I managed to waste quite a few hours playing it instead of revising so that's good!!