Monday, 19 May 2014

The Familiar Yet Foreign Life of a British College Student

It is during the horrendous exam period of my AS year when caffeine and sweets and the Utopian idea of sleeping hits home the hardest.

But everyone is like that. Except the ones on Facebook of course; the ones who are still going to the Outside and partying the weekend before a deadly maths exam. Nevertheless, their grades continue to out-shine yours. Seems like parties are the way to revise folks!!

And then there are the hopeless [insert noun which resembles 'geeks'] who study all the time and are haters of the Facebook people so they resort to their long-lost friend, Blogger.

So instead of leaving nasty comments on YouTube after (shamelessly) exploring the hilarious Asian videos and being consistently up to date with 9gag trending posts (if you don't know what it is then...nevermind it's not that great anymore) I have resorted to my long-lost friend, Blogger!! Since my other blogs have failed and been forsaken by a young me, I have kept the name of Cafe Udon but deleted all of the three posts which preceded this.


Welcome to JQ's dwelling place

...yes my internet name is JQ. Judge me if you can.

^My beautiful face at 2am with a bleak, endless ocean of maths before me. Derp.

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